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Garlic Scape Dressing with Feta and Mint.

Feta Mint Garlic Scape Dressing

Enjoy garlic scapes by mixing up this bright, fresh dressing. Enjoy the seasonal delicacy poured over a salad or use a tad less oil and devour with chips!

What are garlic scapes?

The garlic bulb that we know and love is simply the root of a plant. A twirly, pencil thin shoot, known as a scape, will eventually grow out from the center of the stalk. If let to do its thing, it will open to be a flower. Rather than allowing the plant to direct energy toward flowering, most garlic growers will remove the scapes before they open and enjoy the bonus of a harvest-before-the-harvest.

Types of garlic.

Softneck. Typically grown in warmer climates. True to their name, the stalks are soft. They have a long shelf life (up to 9 months!) but do not produce a scape.

Hardneck. Hardy garlic that stores for 3-6 months. Produces a scape in early summer.

Garlic scape ready for harvest

When to harvest garlic scapes?

Garlic scapes are typically ready for harvest in mid-to-late June. The scape will begin to twirl around itself like a snake. A wet spring may delay scape harvest. The garlic bulbs plump up quickly after the scapes are removed. Usually, 2 weeks after the scapes are removed the bulbs are ready as well.

What do garlic scapes taste like?

Garlic scapes taste like softened, sweet garlic. Fresh garlic is more pungent. Scapes are mellow enough to be grilled and eaten like asparagus. Think of them as the scallion to an onion.

Uses of garlic scapes.

The uses for garlic scapes are endless. One of my favorite ways, and probably the most common, is to make pesto. But don’t stop there. Garlic scapes are excellent for dressings, dips, sauces, or grilled. Anything that calls for garlic can be replaced with garlic scapes.

Ingredients for garlic scape dressing.

This herby, fresh dressing is reminiscent of Green Goddess. It’s fresh, creamy, zingy with a hint of sweetness.

what makes it fresh?

Fresh mint and parsley are key ingredients. If you are typically not a fan of mint, give this a try. It’s eye popping delicious.

what makes it creamy?

Feta and sour cream create a creamy texture while adding a salty, tangy flavor. Feta and mint are best friends and sour cream– well sour cream is everyone’s best friend. Use sheep’s milk feta for the best flavor.

what makes it zingy?

Acid is important to balance out the creamy feta and sour cream. The heat and brininess of pepperoncini is a perfect addition. Red wine vinegar is sharp and tangy, working well the present flavors.

What makes it sweet?

Before the garlic scapes are added to the blender, they get kissed with caramelization on a hot griddle. This step brings out the sweetness of the garlic. A touch of honey is added to the dressing, complimenting the smokey, sweet garlic.

How to make garlic scape dressing.

This garlic scape dressing comes together fast. Once the scapes are charred, add all ingredients except the oil and salt to a high-speed blender. Drizzle in the oil little by little until the desired consistency is achieved. This recipe is very versatile. Use a little less oil and it’s a knockout dip. Add salt little by little, adjusting as needed. It’s important to taste your food as you cook it. It’s important to use a blender to ensure the feta is ultra smooth. Feta can be gritty if not blended well.

Storage tips.

Keep the dressing in a sealed container, such as a mason jar for up to a week. Likewise, if making it a dip, refrigerate in a sealed container.

Garlic scape dressing

Garlic Scape Dressing with Feta and Mint

Enjoy garlic scapes by mixing up this bright, fresh dressing. Enjoy the seasonal delicacy poured over a salad or use a tad less oil and devour with chips!
Course Sauce
Cuisine Farm to table
Servings 1 cup


  • 4 oz Feta
  • 4 garlic scapes
  • 2 tbsp sour cream
  • 2 tbsp red wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp pepperoncini + 1 tbsp brine
  • ¼ cup mint
  • ¼ cup parsley
  • Heaping tsp honey
  • Salt + pepper to taste
  • Olive oil until creamy


  • Heat a griddle on high. Grill garlic scapes until lightly charred, 2-3 minutes per side.
  • Combine all ingredients, including scapes, except salt and some of the oil, into a blender.
  • Drizzle oil in until consistency is desired (around ¼ cup). If making a dip use less oil. Taste for salt and pepper. Add accordingly.
Keyword dressing, feta, fresh herbs, garden salad, garlic scape, Italian salad, mint

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